Winter Term 2023

<copy Fall Term 2023><paste>

Okay, I can put in some new things!

Movies to understand me and my references  - in no particular order:

The first movie I remember in a theater. My parents took me. I was a young child. It's so odd to think of now. I enjoyed the movie! This is probably how #GothProf got started.

The best kind of humor!

Essential reference for those bad weeks.

I usually bring this out in discussions about folks like Kevin Mitnick and Marcus Hutchins.

My dad and I were watching this movie together and I noticed him crying (Dad was not a crier). He said, "Bunny go nite-nite" and we both laugh-cried.

I like to say that the Romans were probably having the same discussions we have. This is also one of the safer clips from this movie 😎

The Melanie Griffith character is how my mind works!

"Second star to the right...and straight on till morning"

"Always" (entirely appropriate for all age groups)

This scene inspired me to actually read Moby Dick.

I routinely do this with spinning desk chairs.

Find someone who looks at you the way Krennic looks at the destruction of Jedha 😎

"Some men just want to watch the world burn."

I wish they didn't have to kill the lions, but I get why. I make reference to the "back up, slowly" clip whenever I encounter uncomfortable situations.

They need to bring back all-day breakfast. That is all. (no one dies in this clip)

It's the white-cat-on-the-lap!

There's a 100% chance I would not use Force Choke abilities responsibly 😎

A favorite Christmas movie. There's an important lesson in this movie.

Another favorite Christmas movie. I've always felt like this was my island.

Best scene from the best Jane Austen book/movie!

This works for a variety of ethical situations.

I use this Parent T. Rex showing the baby T. Rex how to kill as a metaphor.

This is how I envision what we do in cybersecurity might appear to those who don't do cybersecurity.

Another Christmas movie! 😃

If I had to live in a future like this I would be heading underground!

I read the book and then watched the movie. It made me love sharks. 

"Do you like movies about nuclear war?" (this contains disturbing scenes)

Hamlet with lions!

If you've made it this far, email me a photo or YouTube link of a Gila Monster and I'll give you extra credit!